Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Everything is all I have to give you, and I'm afraid it ain't enough

The Uses of Sorrow - Mary Oliver
(In my sleep I dreamed this poem)

Someone I loved once gave me
a box full of darkness

It took me years to understand
that this, too, was a gift.

She got me high and I hardly noticed
there were tears in her eyes

I wrote something about dancing... not quite the vibes I wanted to give this post though... perhaps another time.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

and then the God-Please-Kill-Me-Right-Now hits.

just submitted a confessional poetry piece for my poetry class

(SPOILER ALERT:  Melodrama)  I am so nervous.  baring my soul to a class full of strangers.... ughhh I feel like puking.  It's a decent poem though.

realityDream, deviantart.com

maybe I can just live as if I'm being reborn every moment.  no past, no regrets, just endless future.

I don't think the quality of this is very good.  just look it up on spotify.

i'm a mess, happy or otherwise, depending on the day.

I've got a sickness, it feels like love

It's not contagious, take off the gloves

here are some lyrics for you.

I've got a flask inside my pocket
We can share it on the train
And if you promise to stay conscious
I will try to do the same
Well we might die from medication
But we sure killed all the pain
But what was normal in the evening
By the morning seems insane
-Lua, Bright Eyes

I live by the word until I die by your sword
Even when I'm dead my head will live inside your RCA cords
I wait for the right time, but it resembled now-a-days
Descended on the Earth to put an end to all your holidays
The assassin covered in plain clothes
Smothered the sunlight and set flame to your rainbows
And then came the storm (and then came the storm)
Bewildered those that didn't contemplate
Fake disguised as the norm (as the norm)
And when the smoke evaporated and the damage was assessed
The casualities were counted as they looked upon the mess
As they focused they eyes on the horizon, who'da guessed?
All that stood atop the hill was number seven silhouette
-Atmosphere, Tears for the sheep

 when did you stop believing
in magic?

Friday, August 24, 2012

I've got a restraining order against Satan's daughter

From now until the concert, all my blog posts will be titled with Atmosphere songs.
Lightbend by =HMFS on deviantart

Listen to this song because I'm attempting to learn Spanish.

 Listen to this song.  Because, the 80's.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Why Would You Chase Away the Sun if You Don't Want the Rain?

Lisa Lewis, excerpt from "February"
   This is the second month
Of the year I turn thirty-seven. Already the little fists
Of leaves are forming inside the knotted ends of twigs
All over Houston. The cold weather is over. This winter
Again there was no freeze. And tonight it's very late,
And it's Sunday, and no cars pass on the big road
By the house, but out there in the night
Some kids about seventeen are doing terrible things
They'll get by with, and grow out of, and remember
The way they'll remember what love felt like at first,
Before it stopped being the surest path to ruination,
Before it had done the worst it could and passed away.
And to them it's as if those who lived this life before them
Moved with the jerky speeded-up gestures of characters
In old-fashioned movies, their expressions intense
And exaggerated; they roll their eyes and loll their tongues
When the heroin hits their blood. It's as if the beauty
Of evil lives only in the present, where the drop of dope
Clinging to the tip of the stainless steel point
Catches the light like dew; and it doesn't matter
That the light falls from a streetlamp with a short in it,
And the impatient boy with the syringe in his hand
Will touch the drop back into the spoon
So as not to waste it. It's his instinct telling him
How much it means to live this now, before he knows
Better, while he still has a chance to survive it.
It's the moon over his head with its polished horns
That would slip through his skin if he touched them.
It's the trees leaping to life in his blood, greenness
Unfurling so hard it almost bursts his heart. 

I have never done heroin.  It is doubtful that I ever will.  When you think about it, I haven't really had much experience with pretty much anything.  I haven't seen The Titanic (The Titanic is very similar to heroin so's you know)
I'm still young enough that I have it in me to do incredibly stupid things.   I guess age is relative anyways.  I love feeling young.  It's almost worth not being old enough to go out dancing.  Speaking of getting old, and not having experiences, I have never been full-on drunk.  The few times I have had l'alcool, I drink so little it doesn't do anything and there is really no point.  I just don't like how alcohol makes me feel stupid and slow.  I have no conversational skills and I don't get less inhibited, just confused and self conscious.  Of course I generally have enough self-confidence to fill arenas, so it's not like drinking could really improve anything per se.
Basically.  It's five in the morning and I can't sleep.  Here's some random crap that you can read I suppose.  Goodness I have poor writing skills at this time in the morning.  DON'T HATE THIS IS MY BLOG NOT A FREAKING RESEARCH PAPER.
This title and yesterday's are from Atmosphere songs.  (gearing up for the concert in a couple of weeks) 

 Waterside by =AnnMarieBone of deviantart.com
 haven't seen, haven't seemed
happy, it's gonna come to me
when it does I don't know where I'll
keep it at all 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I'll make you smile just so I can sit and look at it

so there's this website  called least helpful.





hey yeah so autumn is coming... excited yet?
artsaus - deviantart.com


 Supported by the crutches of human impotence, the wheel of life spins inexorably. Its stops are few – until it reaches the last stop of all. When we are born, it pauses long enough to take us on, and then it stops again, this second time enchanted into momentary stillness by the miracle of love. While we stand enraptured beside our beloved, seeing the moon and the vast night sky, as it were, for the first time, the decrepit wheel dangles its crutches idly and seems to burst into fantastic bloom. This is the magic hour, and when the spinning begins again we scarcely are aware of a faint, ominous creaking noise.

-Coronets 25th Anniversary Album

 you want morbid?  I'll give you morbid, dollface.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

first day of the semester + Poetry

Ear Muffs by Andrea Gibson
My favorite teacher once told me
she wears three hats at the same time
while walking through her neighborhood
in the backwoods of Maine;
one to keep her head warm,
one to block the sun from her face,
and one bright orange hat
to keep the hunters from shooting her in the brain.

She looked at me seriously and said,
“I suppose I could get a hat that does all three
but that would be an awfully funny looking hat.”

You, my love
are a funny looking hat.

That is to say,
you are everything I need.

Forgive me for the days
I am ear muffs
in Florida
on a sandy beach
during a heat wave.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

say anything - 1989

mmm lloyd dobler.  someday someone will show up at my window in the middle of the night holding a boombox. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Stella won't ya take me home

 (I have no title for this)

When I am old, I will eat
whatever I want. Cake, french fries,
cookie dough, three french hens, two turtle
doves and a
partridge in a pear tree

they will not buy me a
(unless I request one doused in syrup
for a light
heavens no!, I intend to roll, like a
bowling ball with a face
down the hallways

to wherever my next meal is

I shall pass serenely
well fed and satisfied
to rest, not in a grave befitting the

but a crater
I've been thinking about the whole "Fat American" stereotype.  and poverty.  Also the elderly, because of course that is my job.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Everything Ain't What I Used to Know

haven't listened to Emery in a while... probably because I only listen to super chill music these days.
this thing called art is really dangerous - agnes-cecile

I wrote a poem which I find mildly hilarious, shall post it tomorrow.

Friday, August 10, 2012


you are done up in
deep blues, purples
faded ocher
a nebula of bruises and
scar tissue

cue the fade, following this eventual

life is :

letting yourself be torn in half,
setting fire to your prison
thirty stories of glass and concrete and
contrived combustion
wax wings soaring too close to the sun
lunging at the

eyes blazing, drunk on the mayhem
body burnt beyond recognition

I still don't particularly like the last bit.  I will perhaps come back and change it when I think of something better.  I started this off thinking of a burlesque dancer (the whole done up in blues and purples bit) but it ended up being more about fire than anything else.

(who wants to live forever anyways?)

I've been on a canoeing trip in the boundary waters for the past week.   Oh hey!  you wanna see a meteor shower your best bet is anytime after 11:59 PM on the eleventh... basically super early the morning of the 12th

Also!  I moved into my new apartment which is sort of a huge deal for me.

And!  A song for you