Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I am changing my major for the sixth and last time.  At this point I just want a degree and I want to GET OUT. If I continued with English Education I would graduate in May of 2015. I can't do that. My scholarship only covers four years, not five, and to be honest, if I have to pay for college, it isn't worth it.

(This is not my picture)

All I need is a degree to get a decent teaching job overseas. A degree in anything. So! Bachelor of University Studies it is, I am now officially a non-major. I can take whatever classes I want (mostly upper level though) and I will graduate May of 2014, like I had originally planned. WOOH GETTING OUT GETTING OUT GETTING OUT!

I'm getting TEFL (teaching English as a Foreign Language) certified this summer in Thailand.  That, together with a degree, should be enough to get me a job most places.  Except America, but hey, who wants to teach here anyways, all the kids are disrespectful.  (is that a stereotype, also, why do I like parenthesis so much?)

anyways: poetry. (mine)


jet trails slice
what every crystal ball
has been too overcast to show me
across ursa major

I would rip apart my cupboards
smash everything breakable
sacrifice my household appliances
on an altar of
if I thought my possessions were
holding me back

like a tree I have always been
my own cage

do not ask me to stay
do not wish on the night sky
that your arms will be strong enough
to keep me

Oh amy, why ya gotta be so melodramatic?

Cages are just dramatic that's all. Even when they're imaginary.  Takes violence to get out.  Fun fact: I've still never punched anyone.

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