Well now that I discovered Fargo Library has FREE ACCESS TO ROSETTA STONE (and mango but that's slightly less revolutionary)...
1. My first res(v)olution is to do at least 4 lessons of Hindi a day (Two via Rosetta, two via mango).
1. My first res(v)olution is to do at least 4 lessons of Hindi a day (Two via Rosetta, two via mango).
2. Wash my hair less. Currently it's once a day but I can save a lot of money on shampoo/conditioner/hair dye if I cut it back to 2-3 times a week.
3. 10 day purchase pause on everything I want. I have seriously spent mad cash on so much stupid stuff. Also check the return policy first and SAVE THE RECIEPT.. No new clothes (barring socks/underwear and shoes if the old ones break)
4. Be comfortable without makeup on. Get to the point where I can go to work without it. (That's gonna be hard.) I'm crazy dependent and it's not good thing.
5. Start learning Chinese. Perfect Spanish.
6. Get rid of things. Do this by putting them in a box... If I discover I never had to dig them out of the box in a few months... they go.
7. Stop clicking on stupid articles on the internet. Which means I probably have to stop mindlessly scrolling through my facebook newsfeed. hmm. Maybe limit myself to checking it only one in the AM/PM/NOC.
Listen to this song (that can be your New Years Resolution)..