Sunday, September 30, 2012

the coolest guys, around the town

I cannot handle this.  I can NOT handle this.  \
Angry beyond belief. In the worst frame of mind I've been in for a straight-up 3  months.   MY OWN FREAKING BROTHER. 

okay. enough of that.
hope you're doing well.  I am being less dramatic than I seem.  It's been a while since I got to rant on here. Besides, I deleted my whole blog almost a year ago, so those posts are gone forever.   well here ya go:

Saturday, September 29, 2012

waltzing through the forest of juxtapositions

I alternate between writing these super happy nostalgic poems, and psychotic creepy ones.
this first one is going to make you sick but it was fun to write.  Also it is very inaccurate.  I was a tomboy when I was a kid. I got into fights with boys.

 example number 1

Elementary, My Dear

I am reduced
to grade-school levels of
puppy love

check yes or no
crayon hearts on the wall
no one around to
make me scrub them off

give me a dandelion and
I will write about it
in my diary,
hide the key under my mattress

let's build a blanket fort

let's climb a tree
while they chant the spelling
that makes us blush

let's drink milkshakes
from the same glass,
then make our parents pay for them
when they tell us we're
too young to date

compare that with this,
 example number two

she has a platter
and a glint in her eye
little miss fifties housewife
little miss fanged-doily

her voice is smooth
(try my patience!
try my patients!)

just what or who is she
offering you?

The slice is
pepto-bismol pink

you say to yourself,
“this looks ghastly,
but I mustn’t be impolite.”

she is ready
she is smiling
she hands you a fork

I had a good talk with my friend yesterday.  He's in treatment for depression in Houston, shout-out to someone he met there who supposedly reads my blog: Emily A. L.   emily? emily? are you out there???? thanks for reading :)

I was talking to my brother last night and it's kind of sad when you're surprised to see someone happy.   I haven't seen him happy since before I had my mental breakdown.

Sometimes I get these horrible flashbacks of the way his face looked when he was in absolute misery

because of me.  

That's actually the one reason I regret well... what happened last year.  All the hell it put him through.  And my parents, grandparents, and cousins.  I also regret how public, and facebook-documented it all was.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Madness is the
deformed cousin
of genius

I can be your deformed cousin
I can be your distasteful Halloween

(too much fake blood? Too many
dead crows?)

and oh heck darlin'
life won't always be easy for us
but it sure won't be boring

you complement my brand of lunacy
delightfully well
let's go cook ourselves some unhinged

I will never never NEVER date someone as crazy as me.  That would be a horrible disaster.  It'd be fun though.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

that night that night that night

I'm adding your name
to my dictionary

perhaps it is quite appropriate
for you to be underlined
in red

a memory:

dancing with you
wide-eyed and breathless
too drunk on your awkward charm
to be anything but obvious


that night we were driving back to Fargo
not really saying much, until

what if we just kept going?”
our bikes were already tied on the back,
our luggage in the trunk
(this could be so easy)

we stared at each-other
knowing this as true Kairos,
the opportune moment.

we could stay here, just here
or take the wild road (out)

we chose wrong, we chose easy
we chose safe and sorry

(should have taken an airplane,
turned “we probably shouldn't”
“screw it, let's go”)

I want I want I want

India for Holi
Rio for Carnival
Thailand for the
full-moon party
in Koh Phangan

I want to dance in Seoul
I want hostels filled with
drifters, the ones who
know eight different languages
the ones for whom life is a grand roaming
the ones so drunk on wanderlust

they can barely find their way home

So I run into my roommate's room, "Hey, which countries have you been to? " It'S LIKE SEVEN

Monday, September 24, 2012

Eight Hour Shifts

I know you don't smile
for days,
when I'm not here

not here to sing you
Frank Sinatra songs
sugar sugar how ya
get so fly

not here to spin you around
(even in a wheelchair,
you dance beautifully
and I never won't tell you this)

you ask me
when you can leave
I tell you
and leave the room
holding back tears

Sunday, September 23, 2012

love is noise

suicideandcheese -

it’s the scent of fleshly
showered, fresh.
but mostly the pluck
my fruit of her hair.
it’s that good. we
pass on sidewalk
and I dawdle my step
just to refresh my
rotten self. maybe
she’s like me.
maybe she’s fleshy
too, just not mostly
core. I turn my head
and she speeds
up to likely be with
her favorite smell;
another human, or
have her dinner, or
what’s the difference?
it’s all a need.
I need little things.
I need little.
I am glad it’ll never
have to be more
from her orchard.
there was nothing
between us,
just the air.
but this is how
to smell in love
every day,
in silent passing.
this is how to
fall for a stranger.
I will shower when
I find home.
I will speed up if
I find home.

got me here, what you do now is up to you now.

I want to spin
but you keep pulling me closer
and I am powerless against your gravity

like the moon's
this moment is endless

although I'm whisper-singing to you
in Spanish,
our bodies speak
a different language

and they're staring at us
like they need a 
I don't think I have ever danced that way with anyone.  which is saying something.  so thank you.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

“Will you have enough money for Korea if you go to California this Christmas?”
hit up my tumblr if ya like

I wrote this

Skinned Knees, Endless Summer

Peanut butter tastes like
grade school in autumn

my grandfather's sweater smells
of cinnamon and is the exact shade
of a man staring down an ending

The sun's amnesia made us
forget the existence of winter
and we only understood years
in terms of birthday cake

we laughed at your little brother
when he got stuck in the toddler swing
at the park

we tore off the huge plastic leaves
on my grandmother's decorative tree
and pretended we were birds

funny how even though growing up
when you're that young
is a movie on fast-forward,
we were the ones
least aware of time,
least aware of the
slow-march countdown
to the final sunset

summer's rules:

if you swing high enough
you might fly
and if you run fast enough

you might live forever.

and this is one of my faaaaaave songs.  emphasis on the a's.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Another Ode to Kitchen Appliances

oh!  I just realized something!  I no longer only write poems that are about boys!  *pats herself on back*  good job home-girl.

my blender does not understand
“Accept My Gift of Pineapple
Thy Foul Beast!”
this is a blood sacrifice
and she is sadly unreceptive

I begin the main course
I have cupboards full of words
quick brown foxes
I have half a mind (no, three-fourths of a mind)
to sauté them
the golden eggs
more difficult to crack
than I had thought they would be
(forge? My stove doesn't get
hot enough,
I think)

I will spice the adjectives with
I will verb these nouns
throw in a voodoo doll or
tulips! Two! Lips!
Crack open a maraca
and sell you some rhythm

Oh you will love this
you will devour this
You will get up and dance to this

I think
I do not understand

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ritual Sacrifices from the She-wolf

I hate her you said
she is awkward

you were licking off the disdain
from your dainty ringed fingers

"you've a lovely home miss...
may I address you by your real name?"

my husband you said,
will be here momentarily,
with a rub of the lamp

it's all ritual animal slaughters with you
(rabbits, pigs, giraffes)

oh god it's the lady or the tiger with you
(I wish I could keep both doors
shut, and you'd be both and neither;
Schrodinger's fanged kitten)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Chivalry and Kitchen Appliances

This is my assignment for poetry class:  
Write a poem in the surrealist mode. Your poem should include genuinely strange, startling, vivid and specific language, images, details, and insights. Don't confuse surrealism with formula fantasy or sci fi; you want to draw on archetypal and unconscious (not conventional or cliche) associations as bizarre as anything you've dreamed. Be weird. Be unpredictable. Allow genuine randomness into your work
So here goes
Chivalry and kitchen appliances

She is a brown recluse spider
with a lidless blender

a very large blender
ominous in a vague

she resides in a yellow house
in the middle of a maze

a very large maze
laced with auditory hallucinations and
fun-house mirrors

an enormous crowd of people mill about
clutching hedge clippers and
poorly crafted love potions 

they are all searching for the correct path
they are all trying to be the first
through her labyrinth,
past the flytrap garden she's cultivated,
to open the padlocked door

this latest is
traipsing along daintily
fancying himself a knight
though his armor is unmistakably cardboard,
glue dripping out from the
hasty assemblage

he's picked her flowers (daisies)
he's written her sonnets (cliche ones)
he's doused in Armani cologne (Devoted Infatuation No. Five)

the door swings open

our hero enters, offering his gifts up,
a blood sacrifice to Parvati

Into The Blender!
His carefully chosen words mangled up
and hurled back in a puppy-love stenched tornado of
floral sentence fragments

he stands bemused, awestruck,
covered in aftermath

an insect enamored by bright lights
he will stay
and she will weave her web,
she can't help it.

(she never can)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Counting Sheep - Russell Edson

Counting Sheep

A scientist has a test tube full of sheep. He
wonders if he should try to shrink a pasture
for them.
They are like grains of rice.
He wonders if it is possible to shrink something
out of existence.
He wonders if the sheep are aware of their tininess,
if they have any sense of scale. Perhaps they think

the test tube is a glass barn ...
He wonders what he should do with them; they
certainly have less meat and wool than ordinary
sheep. Has he reduced their commercial value?
He wonders if they could be used as a substitute
for rice, a sort of wolly rice . . .
He wonders if he shouldn't rub them into a red paste
between his fingers.
He wonders if they are breeding, or if any of them
have died.
He puts them under a microscope, and falls asleep
counting them . . .
what a strange man! I love it
I had to write a surrealistic poem for my poetry class... It involves blenders, poisonous spiders, a knight in cardboard armor, a maze, venus fly-traps, and a Hindi goddess.  People like my other one better though, I may post it tomorrow

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Martian Sends a Postcard Home - Craig Raine

Caxtons are mechanical birds with many wings
and some are treasured for their markings--

they cause the eyes to melt
or the body to shriek without pain.

I have never seen one fly, but
sometimes they perch on the hand.

Mist is when the sky is tired of flight
and rests its soft machine on the ground:

then the world is dim and bookish
like engravings under tissue paper.

Rain is when the earth is television.
It has the properites of making colours darker.

Model T is a room with the lock inside --
a key is turned to free the world

for movement, so quick there is a film
to watch for anything missed.

But time is tied to the wrist
or kept in a box, ticking with impatience.

In homes, a haunted apparatus sleeps,
that snores when you pick it up.

If the ghost cries, they carry it
to their lips and soothe it to sleep

with sounds. And yet, they wake it up
deliberately, by tickling with a finger.

Only the young are allowed to suffer
openly. Adults go to a punishment room

with water but nothing to eat.
They lock the door and suffer the noises

alone. No one is exempt
and everyone's pain has a different smell.

At night, when all the colours die,
they hide in pairs

and read about themselves --
in colour, with their eyelids shut.

Monday, September 10, 2012

I have never been in love

(unless the rain and the stars count?) I like having the experience still waiting for me, untainted by bitterness and ruined expectations.

also,  this is my new motto.  I mean... I've been living this for a while but here it is in a smashup of letters and phrases (as told to my best friend in a facebook convo):

For now, I'll do what seems best and throw myself at whatever I feel like, with the perfect blend of wild untamedness and discretion.

you'd think these would cancel each other out.  au contraire!  Discretion just keeps me protected from overdoses and STDs!  bonus!

I love being young and stupid.  I love being allowed to make terrible decisions.  I stay up too late because every single night, I forget how horrible waking up tastes on four hours of sleep.  I dance because I can't help it.  I write because I have to, and I have crushes on men like I'm a thirteen year old girl.  Once in a while I get what I want, because the universe is impressed by my audacity.    WWMBD.   this is living.

For those of us who are unabashedly weird and crazy and do not care what other people think.  I love you just for this.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Because you look like, what I feel like, when I'm with you

Some Last Questions - W.S. Merwin

What is the head
                A.  Ash
What are the eyes
               A.  The wells have fallen in and have
What are the feet
               A.  Thumbs left after the auction
No what are the feet
               A.  Under them the impossible road is moving
                     Down which the broken necked mice push
                     Balls of blood with their noses
What is the tongue
               A.  The black coat that fell off the wall
                     With sleeves trying to say something
What are the hands
               A.  Paid
No what are the hands
               A.  Climbing back down the museum wall
                     To their ancestors the extinct shrews that will
                     Have left a message
What is the silence
                A.  As though it had a right to more
Who are the compatriots
               A.  They make the stars of bone

I love this.  All my classes are about reading.  I love being an English major, except for all the pretentious people in my classes.  There aren't as many as I had first thought though.
beautiful earmeal for you.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

live it up until you remember what living is

  I'm all out of Atmosphere lyrics so I threw a different title on here.

Salsa, Rice, Moshpits, and the Love I have for your Soundproof Basement

There is something splendid about
a Peruvian man leaving the rice to burn
because he is unable to keep himself
from dancing
when a good Salsa song comes on

there is something exquisite and wild about a woman
eyes closed
paying uncontrollable obeisance to the rhythm
thrilling to the beat
waxing and waning to the sound waves

there is something gorgeous about the
the movements that occur in synchronization with the vibrations
the blurring of the line between sound and limb's poetry

fantasia's demise comes softly, unanticipated
followed by dazed wakefulness

surprised to see walls and ceiling
surprised to be alive in
only three dimensions
If you haven't figured this out I love dancing more than most things.  And this is the only good thing I've written in a while.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Until I Crash Into My Fate

escape escape escape

I'm going to Korea next summer.  That is all

 goodnight, travel well  ~weebobeebo at

last night there was a blue moon (the 2nd full moon in one month)  and I cannot remember ever having a better one.  

One of the deepest and strangest of all human moods is the mood which will suddenly strike us perhaps in a garden at night, or deep in sloping meadows, the feeling that every flower and leaf has just uttered something stupendously direct and important, and that we have by a prodigy of imbecility not heard or understood it. There is a certain poetic value in this sense of having missed the full meaning of things. There is beauty, not only in wisdom, but in this dazed and dramatic ignorance.
-Gilbert K Chesterton